Friday, December 6, 2019

Renee, 4: Spotify Wrapped 2019

I wish I was getting paid to say this, but I genuinely just love Spotify, and getting Spotify Premium was one of my better decisions I've made in my life. I'm not turning this into an argument about which is better: Apple Music v. Spotify, because it's clearly Spotify; moving on!

They do a thing every year called "Spotify Wrapped" which is an annual playlist and a few statistics encompassing what music you've listened to the most that past year, your favorite artists, etc. This year was special because there was also a recap of the decade and statistics from that as well. So for those who have had Spotify several years like myself, it was nostalgic, to say the least.

This sounds like a small thing, but I genuinely look forward to this every year. I love looking back on what I've listened to, and rediscovering things I may have listened to ten months ago that I forgot were good.

The other reason I love this is that songs always carry emotion and meaning behind them for me. So, I can look back and listen, remembering what was going on in my life when I found those songs. They make a song with one hundred songs encompassing your year of music, and that is what I've been listening to since the statistics came out.

Obviously, everyone thinks they have the best music taste, and I am no different. I'll insert some pictures of what Spotify showed I listened to the most.

GET SPOTIFY. P.S. I know Apple attempts to do a recap as well, but it is just inferior.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting all the different screenshots. I've seen people post the first one but I didn't realize you get all the other analytics too. (I use google music, rather than spotify or Apple, but I do wish they'd do something like this as well because I always like data... though I'm pretty sure Hamilton would top the list because I listened to it for about 9 months straight)
