Sunday, December 8, 2019

Alanna, 4; Driving !!

 After months of waiting, I am finally eligible to get my license this weekend. I am so excited to have the freedom and ability to go out when I want and need but of course that comes along with the responsibility of having your license and car. All that has been on my mind the past few weeks was this driver's test and all my plans after I would (hopefully) pass. I finished the 60 hours of driving with my parents, and the 6 hours with an instructor but there was one thing keeping me, the online course I needed to complete.
Image result for driving

This course is about 30 hours long, give or take, and normally about a month to finish. I was halfway through with the course when it asked me to complete a voice authentication test. It would not let me continue the course until I did so, so naturally, I did. After doing it twice, it did not work. After a few times of trying, I decided it was pointless and to give up. I asked my driving instructor what to do but he was no help. But as of today, Sunday, December 8th, he decides to tell me he will not give me my license till I complete this course. I explained the situation but he was not about to budge. So when I got home, I logged onto the website to contact the course’s customer service about the issue. When I did, they asked for my name, date of birth, address, and social security number so they could verify the account was mine without the voice authentication. I gave them all the information and they responded with, just wait, they responded with:

I’m sorry, this course has two voices for the authentication test on this account, therefore must stay locked. Please re-register some other time.

Say what. My dad signed me up for this course in July and it was 100 dollars. I am shaking even thinking about asking him to sign me up again and pay AGAIN. To say the least, all my hopes and dreams of ever getting my license this week were crushed this past weekend. I was so happy and excited but now I have to wait another month, most likely, along with being ripped off 100 more dollars.

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