Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Mackenna 3: Our Annual Christmas Tradition

Although some people will argue that it's a little bit early to talk about Christmas, that's literally all I can think about at the moment. Every year, me and my siblings and now my little cousin Summer perform a play on Christmas day, as a special treat while my dad makes breakfast. However, as the oldest child, it has become my responsibility to run the whole thing and it has become exhausting. Not only do I not want to do it, nobody else has any interest in doing it because all of our ideas haven't gone anywhere so far. Even so, we are forcing ourselves to create one because (quoting my aunt) "it's the highlight to our Christmas every year." Therefore, to make my family happy, my sister and I are on our fifth rep with the team. We have written five drafts of five completely different scripts that my three brothers have voted against. The moral of the story: this is a problem.

Jillian, my sister, has done most of the scriptwriting so far because I have no ideas. Literally none whatsoever. We've written a take on Home Alone, A Christmas Carol, and a few original ideas as well and all of them are, in my opinion, complete trash. Jillian is on her sixth rendition of the script and I'm really hoping this is the one I'm going to at least tolerate. Her previous ideas have involved my brother Beckett getting smashed in the head with a bowling ball (poor Beckett) and then my other brother Harrison proceeding to wack me with a baseball bat (poor me). If you're like me, you were confused about what this has to do with Christmas. To be honest, I still have no idea. Her other ideas were also along the lines of this and I think my parents are beginning to get concerned.

On another note, theirs a part of me that's actually somewhat looking forward to whatever the play will be, but also hoping that it isn't a trainwreck like previous years.

Jillian wrote a completely separate script that isn't violence-based, which is a good sign. The problem now? How I'm going to explain to my family that we can't do a preview of the show on Thanksgiving, as previously requested.

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