Saturday, January 4, 2020

Alanna, 6: Lack of Motivation

This time of year for me, the post-Christmas/New Year transition into back to school, is always the worst for me, but this year it really hit differently. I feel that specifically this year it was bad. Before the break, I was talking about how I had no motivation to do any of my school work and my grades were dropping but I was not doing anything about it. Because of this, I relied on the winter break to be the time where I catch up on all my studies and finish all my oncoming work so I would not go back to school in the same stress-ridden mindset I had prior to the break.

To NO ONE’S surprise, I picked up one book over the holiday. One book. So now I find myself in yet again, the same cycle, I was trying to avoid before the break, now. With finals coming around the corner, the stress is at an ALL time high and I fail to do anything about it. I have no clue what it is about the junior year that has made me lose all my work ethic, motivation, and perseverance that I once had (as a freshman though...).

To attack this newfound loss of motivation, I did some research. Turns out a lot of people experience this so-called “slump” in junior year. Most of them blame it on the harder classes, less time, different classes than your friends, and more work, which is all very probable but one cite said differently. The Rocky Mountain Collegian claimed that it is not the classes nor the work that encourages this slump, but instead the realization of what you want to do with your life, or not do. Many people are thinking about college in their junior year and a lot of the students agree on not attending college or settling for one they don't have to work hard for because they don't want to. Due to this, many begin to slack on their schoolwork and care less about their grades because they become accepting of the ones they have and they got without trying.

Personally, I have been changing my views on college. I used to have high hopes for myself to go to an amazing school that is smart and has a low acceptance rate but lately, during this “slump”, I have forced myself to think more realistically and settle on other schools. Reading this article though made me realize that I can get to where I once was and wanted to be if I just pick up a book sometimes, even if I don't want to.

Image result for school

1 comment:

  1. I experienced this same thing while coming back from winter break. What I found that many other students did was that they completed all their work they had due the first two days of break instead of the last day. Me being me I did it all on the last day of break. I have the junior slump (my own name for it), but I find mine from lack of motivation and interest. I could care less that I am taking harder classes, the work won't get done until I have both. From people in college that I have talked to I found out that college is actually much easier than portrayed, so it might not be unrealistic to shot for colleges you were first looking at.
