Sunday, January 5, 2020

Renee, 6, Preparing For Next Semester

As semester one comes to an end, I've been preparing for the inevitable increase in workload, as my second semester will be much more difficult than the classes I have now. Besides the fact that I will still have two AP courses, I am then adding German 5, Pre-Calculus, and Anatomy & Physiology. I also have no study halls, while I had TWO the first semester. I've been taking it easy this semester in regards to school and have been able to work a lot more because I can balance it. I know that I am going to have to cut back on my hours, as well as working on time management. I've had trouble with this in the past and find it hard to say no to when my coworkers ask me to take their shift, mostly because I need the money for gas and other things, so this will be hard to balance.

The reason I'm nervous about next semester in regards to the actual academics is that I struggle with math and also science even though I like it. I have heard from a lot of people that Anatomy is a difficult class. The only thing I'm excited about in regards to Pre-Calculus is that it will help me prepare for the SAT. On top of that, I haven't taken a German class since this time last year, so I fear I'll be behind in the highest level of that class. I have a teacher that I haven't had before, so that also stresses me out.

This is going to be a big adjustment and will probably confirm the belief that Junior year is the hardest.  I am still avoiding this reality and will continue to try not to think about it. After finals, I'll start to worry.

Image result for stress images


  1. It’s unfortunate that your workload gets worse for second semester. I have the same amount of classes next semester, but I won’t have to worry about my least favorite subject: math. I hope you manage to figure out how to deal with the bigger workload, and hopefully end up working less.

  2. I am absolutely terrified for next semester. I always panic when making my schedule, so I have all the classes I don't actually want next semester. It has been amazing having German class together, I have no regrets, but I am defiantly dropping German 5. I finally decided what path I wanna do in life, and German doesn't fit on it. Especially with a teacher who hates students bringing in coffee. That is a big 'no me gusta.' I also speak a lot of angry Spanish, so I probably shouldn't take that class anyway. I know you can handle the pressures of it though, and I'm sure your next semester will be much better than you think. Viel Glueck.

  3. This semester has pretty much been like that for me. I had a large chunk of some of my more work intensive classes this semester. I just want to to get through this last chunk and be able to a bit less work. Hopefully you can figure out how to deal with everything next semester.
