Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Adria Week 5 Best Friends

From what I’ve observed throughout my 16 long years of public schooling, everyone seems to have a “best” friend. Except, then I started noticing that soon everyone was everyone’s best friend. So, I thought, then what was the purpose of them being the “best?” If everyone is, then no one is. Ordinarily, I would not think this term is appropriate if it is simply going to be used to describe everyone. But I believe in special instances where the person you call your best friend is exactly that-- your absolute best friend. 
There I was, a little preschooler, innocently playing with her toys alone. I was shy, which helped me feel more content being by myself. I am still this way to this day, I don’t mind being or working alone. I was alone, but content, and I wanted it to stay that way. My teacher Mrs. Radio noticed this, however, and thought that I should have a companion, so she talked to my mom and told her about this other shy little girl in the class. At only three years old, I had little to no control over when I had a playdate and even with whom. I had never spoken to this other girl, and I was not particularly excited to play with her-- especially at my house. But at a mere three years, I had absolutely no clue what was best for me. After thousands of playdates and every dance class and tennis lesson in history taken together, she and I have been best friends from the start. And to me, being a best friend means not just doing every activity together or seeing each other every day-- it means being the one person that you go to first before anyone else, and the one person you trust with anything. The person you can laugh and cry with, and the person you want to spend every Friday night with. The person you miss even after a week-long sleepover marathon in the summer, and the person you bake all of your Christmas cookies with because no one else is near as fun. The person you would sacrifice your afternoon for just to do something they love. The person you’ve known since you were three and never grew apart from, even through the rough patches and bumps in the road. And the person you share unconditional love with that will last a lifetime. This is what a best friend is to me.

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