Monday, April 6, 2020

Schema Builder Adria- Decorating My Bible!

Over break my mom has been restricting our technology use-- no TV until 3:30 and we still turn our phones in every night. And even though sometimes I get bored and just want to turn the TV on at 11AM, I can appreciate the boredom in a way. I have been trying out new crafts and listening to more music, going on more walks and bike rides. Being stuck in the house really does breed creativity. 
So one night as I was scrolling through Pinterest as usual, I came across so many cool bible artboards and decided I should try some myself! I chose a couple of my favorite verses and composed them across the page. At first, I was nervous about writing over my brand new pages (as I made clear earlier in our discussion about annotating, I am obsessed with preserving my books) but I actually enjoyed it more than I expected, and the outcome was 100% worth it.
I guess my point is that I take back what I said about how the physical book is just as important as the content. Although I still believe that my way of caring for my possessions is by preserving their physical pages, I think that I found a new way to care for them too. And by making my bible, or any book for that matter, a work of art, I feel that it becomes more appealing to read.
With that being said, I would HIGHLY recommend making some art out of your favorite book-- it is totally worth "ruining" the page.

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