Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Schema Builder 1: A VERY long walk

Hey guys! This weekend my dad and I woke up and, out of pure boredom, figured we'd go on a walk. When starting, we were not envisioning a 4-mile nature walk, but maybe just a stroll around the neighborhood. Instead, we got the 4-mile nature walk. My dad does not live in Nazareth, so I am not exactly familiar with my surroundings at his house. Therefore, this was a pretty interesting walk. We were not planning on going this far but he decided to take a trail that was a long longer than we expected. It was a ripe 30-degree morning and let's just say I was not exactly excited to walk in the freezing cold but that took a turn. He ended up bringing me to this path with a river, abandoned tunnel, and a bunch of cute dogs being walked by their owners haha. Not only did I get to experience some cool parts of a place I don't get to explore much, but I also was able to spend some quality time with my dad, who I also don't see much. We talked basically the whole walk, shared jokes, told stories, and gossiped. I know it seems pretty cliche, but it meant a lot more to me than I thought it would. It was nice to stop in time and take a break from school and my worries and to just spend time with someone important. By the time we got home, our cheeks and noses were BRIGHT RED from the cold and we were complaining about the length of the walk to my step-mom but we both knew we wouldn't take it back.

Abandoned turnpike tunnel to receive facelift, host marathon | WJAC

1 comment:

  1. Who posted this? Can you please add your name to the title as usual?
