Friday, April 3, 2020

Stephan Schema Builder 1: Importance of Sleep

I decided to do a TED talk for my schema builder and one that caught my interest was about the importance of sleep. As of now, sleep is not really an issue with this whole Coronavirus deal as I can get all the sleep that I need, but none the less I still thought it would be interesting to see how important is it that we get a full night of sleep.

While watching the talk it was amazing to see how much sleep we get affects our entire body, from our learning and memory to our cardiovascular health. Lack of sleep can lead to higher cancer risk, higher Alzheimers risk, and can even have an effect on your DNA. I realized that sleep was an important thing, but what I did not realize was just how important it was. I often chip away at the amount of sleep I get each night by working on school work and whatnot.

I decided that if or when we go back to a normal school day, I would make sure that I try to get as much sleep when I can. I realize that this won’t work every single night, as situations arise that can’t be predicted, but most days I can be precautious and make sure that I get everything done so I don’t have to sacrifice sleep. As of now, I can only hope that I eventually won’t lose sight of the benefits of sleep in the future. All I can do now in quarantine is set up a regular sleep schedule that I can maintain and make a habit going forward in hopes of better sleep in the future.Pillow | Free SVG

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