Thursday, April 2, 2020

Schema Builder: Interstellar

I recently watched the movie Interstellar while in quarantine. The movie is a science fiction adventure through space and time. It won multiple awards including the academy award for best visual effects. I thought I would write about it because it made me want to learn more about space time.

In the movie, earth is on the verge of being inhabitable so scientist try to discover habitable planets through a worm hole in our galaxy. As the movie goes on the main character finds out he was sent on a one way trip to humankind's new home. After exploring a few planets the idea of time becomes relative. Days are longer or shorter depending on each one. The crew then made a mistake on a planet where days are extremely faster than earth time sending them into the future. Last in an attempt to return to earth, the main character enters a black hole. I won't give away the rest of the movie.

The movie brought up ideas and concepts about the speed of time in space, wormholes, and black holes which I found very interesting. I ended up looking even deeper by watching YouTube videos about those things. The movie in my opinion was good and just made me think about things I wouldn't have before watching it. What are other movies that are similar or make you think deeply?

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