Friday, April 3, 2020

Renee, Schema Builder 1: Inception (Academy Award Winning Movie)

Along with many other things, there are certain movies I´ve wanted to watch recently, but I couldn´t find the time. Although this pandemic is full of unknowns and fear, a positive has been being able to do things with all the free time the quarantine provides. I´ve watched a few movies and shows so far (TIGER KING!!!!), but my favorite by far was Inception. My dad had always been pushing for me to watch the movie, as he loves it too, but I wanted to wait until I was around this age because I heard it was complicated. I can confirm, that going into the movie knowing almost nothing about it, you do need to pay attention the entire time.

Leonardo Dicaprio is also one of my favorite actors, so I may have been a little predisposed to like the movie off the bat, but after watching and reading reviews after, it is definitely a well-respected film. It was directed by Christopher Nolan, who is known for making in-depth movies that can be hard to figure out watching through the first time.

I won´t give anything away, but from the insane storyline to the cliffhanger ending, I loved the film the whole way through. I would highly recommend this to anyone who likes movies that make you think, or some type of psychological science fiction. I think I honestly need to watch the movie again to catch some things I may have missed.

I am in need of new movie ideas so feel free to give me some!

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