Friday, February 21, 2020

Liam 9 - Star Wars The Clone Wars

Clone Wars

Image result for star wars the clone wars

On Friday the new season of Star Wars the Clone Wars streams on Disney+. This show is more than a show to me. It represents my childhood. The movie is the first one I remember seeing in theaters. It is the first tv show I consistently watched. I was up every Saturday morning to watch the newest episode and couldn’t wait to talk about every little detail with my friends. This tv show was present from when I was 4 to when I hit ten. This show was a constant in my life through several moves and different schools. When I finally moved to Nazareth from Louisiana in the middle of 6th grade, I knew no one and didn’t have much in common with people except for band and this show. One of the luckiest moments in my life was when my new teacher seated me next to the kid with the clone wars shirt. That kid is now among my best friends. We clicked immediately, talking about star wars, school, and everything in between.

This tv show will always be special to me. It gave me a sense of stability - no matter where I was, it was there - it connected me with friends, and it was something my siblings and I could agree on. I was really upset when they abruptly ended the show after season 6. Now with season 7, supposed to be the last season, I am both excited and melancholy. The season seems awesome, but I see the end of the show as the final breath of my childhood.

Is there any tv show, band, game, etc. that represents your childhood?


  1. I am also very excited that the clone wars is back! I need to still get caught up but once I do I will begin binge watching this lol!

  2. Clone War has also led me into one of the best friendships I have ever had. With this friendship, we introduced new show and books to each other which allowed us to grow as friends as well as learn about other fandoms. This all grow from one of our mutual friend saying that we both liked Star Wars. Clone Wars isn't the show I would fall back on for stability, yet when ever I need a breather I will rewatch some of my favorite episodes. I hope you enjoy the new season!
