Thursday, February 20, 2020

Ryan 9: Too Busy

My schedule has been hectic lately. It's way to crammed and it's starting to annoy me. It seems that every day of every week i'm booked. I would just enjoy one day when I can relax and catch up on everything. I'm determined to figure out at a way to solve my problem.

Right now, I have work and i'm playing on two different soccer teams. I also have school of course. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday I close at my work. On the reaming three days, Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday I have soccer practice and a game. So I have just been juggling all these schedules and homework. I've been very exhausted, but what annoys me more is when the schedules conflict and I fail to schedule them correctly. For example this weekend I have a soccer tournament two hours out and I was just scheduled to work on Saturday. So now i'm in a dilemma.

Even though i'm having this issue, I'm glad that I can recognize the source of my frustration. So now I can work on figuring out a solution or something to help. Sometimes it's important to take a step back and notice how you're doing.

Some solutions for me would be to work less shifts so that I have a day off. I could also start using a calendar or something to organize my schedule better. I think it's important to have your own time to relax and just enjoy yourself. Do you have any advice? Do you have free time to relax?


  1. I totally get where you're coming from. It's hard to juggle sports, school, and a job but nonetheless we all get through it. It's always good advice to plan your calendar ahead of time and schedule things in advance. Good luck Ryan!

  2. I feel the same way. Between work, school, and things my parents need me to do, I have barely any time to myself, let alone to get all my homework done. I hope you find some time to get caught up and relax, it sounds like you need it!

  3. I used to relate to your situation. Earlier in the school year, I struggled a lot with keeping my schedule balanced. It stressed me out so much because although I was busy doing things that I enjoyed, I was still upset that I didn't ever have time to relax. I talked to my friends, family, and even my guidance counselor, and I received a lot of good advice about how to manage my time and clear up my schedule. Ever since I followed their advice, my life has been a lot less stressful. Now I have free-time and time for a job. I suggest that you reach out to the people around you for advice on how to fix your schedule.
