Thursday, February 20, 2020

Mackenna 9: Summer Vacation

As always, my family and I are going on a trip over the summer. The problem is, we have no idea where we’re going. We were considering going to Croatia with my grandparents, but my Dad wasn’t into that idea. Instead, my mom proposed two trips: a cruise to Bermuda, or we drive to the other side of the country to visit various national parks.

In my opinion, both of these would be amazing (yet totally different) places to go. However, they both have some issues. First of all, my mom gets seasick on boats. My aunt, who has been on a cruise to Bermuda, said that the Atlantic is rough waters and she will most likely get sick, but once you’re actually in Bermuda it’s smooth sailing. I’m also concerned about my own health because I wasn’t feeling well towards the end of our whale watching trip. Also, I think it’s going to be a lot of work for our family to keep track of our schedule throughout the trip and make sure we’re back on the boat before it leaves.

The national parks trip remains close to my heart because it was my grandfather’s wish for my dad to take us to all the national parks before I graduate. My grandfather loved adventure and was the chairman of the boy scouts until he passed away. He had taken my dad to the national parks multiple times, and the memories from them are deeply held by my father. Therefore, I feel as though we owe it to him to do this. My problem with going all the way across the country, however, is all seven of us being cramped in a car for hours. Also, I think my younger brothers and my mom may have a problem with having to sleep outside in a tent on a hot day in the middle of the woods. They also don’t like hiking and climbing as much as me, my sister, and dad. Therefore, I don’t think walking around the national parks will be as interesting for them.

Although we haven’t made the official decision yet, I think we might end up compromising between these two ideas. We were thinking about going to California and drive around there for a week or so. I think we could find some things for everyone if we did something along those lines. However, I’m curious to know which vacation you think would be more enjoyable, or if you have any other vacation ideas!

1 comment:

  1. I would absolutely do the national parks! (though I absolutely want to go to Bermuda too). My parents took us on 4 road trips cross country before I graduated high school, and I SO MUCH value that experience. Even so, we missed most of the big western ones and I would love to spend a summer seeing them!
