Monday, November 18, 2019

Adria Ragazzo 2: "Who Is Carter?" Gala

Two years ago, my aunt and uncle decided to start a foundation to help families of children with any brain injury find a loving community and treatment. Their son (my cousin) was directly impacted by brain damage when he was just a few days old-- I can still remember hearing the news that he was not going to live. The doctors specifically said to say goodbye because he would not make it another day. My aunt and uncle made the risky decision, however, to take him off of life support so that he could enjoy whatever time he had left and feel no more pain-- because he was. The miraculous part is what happened next: my baby cousin lived for 20 months after that, defying the odds of the doctors. When he passed away at almost two, my aunt and uncle knew they had to keep his legacy alive and help more families in similar situations. 

On Friday, I attended the foundation’s annual gala, where their goal is to raise a bunch of money for their cause. My aunt and uncle own a company called Abbott Properties, and they own most of Kansas City, where we stayed. We stayed in their hotel called Hotel Indigo, and the event itself was held in their wedding venue called The Abbott. My aunt is an incredible interior designer and decorates all of their buildings. It is such a beautifully put together event each year, and I am so proud of them for changing the world one smile at a time. I can’t wait for next year!
Down below is the book they wrote telling their story (picture is linked):

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry for your loss about your cousin:( It's very kind that your Aunt and Uncle have created more awareness for children with brain damage and are providing families with support. That's also really cool that members of your family own parts of Kansas City. Their hotel looks really pretty.
