Monday, November 18, 2019

Owen 2: My Trip to Ohio!

Last weekend I went and toured The Ohio State University. It was a great experience for me and a true eye-opener in college life and finances. First off I should make it clear that my family is HUGE Ohio State Buckeyes fans so this might be a bit biased :). While I was there I was able to tour the Fisher School of Business, the college dorms, and talk to student ambassadors about campus life and classes. When I go to college I plan on majoring in International Business with hopefully a minor in Spanish. 

What I learned on my trip is that getting into the School of Business is really hard. You need to score 1350 on the SAT or higher and graduate in the top 20% in your class. This was a huge eye-opener for me, it has made me aspire to do better in my classes and strive to be the best in anything you do. 

If you paid attention to anything in the last decade or so you’ll know that college is really expensive. The Ohio State University is an out of state school and so I would have to pay out of state tuition. This has become an important deciding factor in my path of college searching. However, while I was visiting the university I found out there are so many ways to lower your student debt by participating in programs on campus. 

The Ohio State University offers honors programs and a “Scholars program.” You apply to it the same time you are applying to the college and if you’re considered eligible for the program Ohio State will pay for your first year of college while studying at the school of business. I thought this was an awesome way to hopefully reduce your college debt. I plan on applying to this program when I apply to The Ohio State University. This is just the first stop on the long journey of college searching. 


1 comment:

  1. That's really cool that you had the opportunity to go. My sister and I are also big Ohio State fans (my sister mostly due to the marching band). Hope you get accepted!
