Monday, November 18, 2019

Stephan 2: Learning to Live Together

Two weeks ago, our parents took a trip to Nashville with some of our neighbors for a weekend and left my brothers and me home alone for four days. You would think that if three brothers are left home alone, they would be lazy and not do anything at all. You would be right to some degree. At first, we did as little as we possibly could, as at one point we used the dishwasher as an extra cabinet.

We tried to do as little as we possibly could. We eventually realized after the first day that this was not going to be sustainable. We ended up splitting all of the chores between the three of us so that we all had to do something. This worked for the first day, but it went downhill quickly.

Eventually, everyone turned to just pushing all the chores onto each other. We just kept butting heads with each other over and over on a loop. I was surprised that we were even able to accomplish anything at this point. By the third day, we slowly made up with each other, realizing that we were just making everything worse for each other. By the end of it all, I was surprised at the fact we didn’t totally destroy the house. It surprisingly looked as it did before our parents left.

This long weekend was definitely an eye-opening experience. I wasn’t exactly sure how we would survive the weekend at first, but it all worked out in the end. It was a nice reminder to not take everything as done.

Image result for dishwasher pictures


  1. I LOL'd at your comment about using the dishwasher as a cabinet. That's totally something I would do; I hate chores, especially putting things away.

  2. Staying home without your parents always seems nice until you have to do everything around the house. At least you had two other brothers to help you out! Whenever my parents leave for the weekend, I am always stuck doing most of the chores. :(

  3. When me and my sister stay home without my parents she NEVER does ANYTHING and I'm left cleaning the whole house but the last time we (well I) also set rules and specifically gave her the ones that need to get done in order for her to do basic things so she would definitely do them. I definitely suggest this strategy for next time haha:)

  4. That's good it all turned out well in the end. I don't like chores either and procrastination helps me avoid them. So I would see myself doing the same thing.
