Monday, November 18, 2019

MeiLi 2- The End of Our Era

There are only, at this moment, 43 days left in 2019. I know we’ve all seen the tiktoks and instagram posts about how our era is ending, but it didn’t fully hit me until super late one night, as most great realizations do, just what that means. So today’s blog is about how I think about the closing of the early 2000s. 

First off, if you were born in 2002, like I was, then 2020 is going to be the year that you turn 18 and become an adult. AN ADULT GUYS. You know, like those scary people we’ve been looking up at our whole lives.

2020 also marks the close of everything we’ve ever known. It sounds extreme, and it might just be a little bit, but hear me out. Not one of the people we watched on tv shows as a kid are under 20. Most of them are 26-30 and doing things that are completely different from where they started. Iconic parts of our childhood that everyone had/experienced aren’t being experienced by kids growing up now. I mean, just think about the Elefun game we played where his nose blew out all of those butterflies and you had to catch them with the nets. My 7 year old cousin has no idea what that even is. Even my 13 year old cousin can’t tell me what Dragon Tales or Max and Ruby is. And how many kids these days are going to have the opportunity to enjoy club penguin?

A few years ago someone brought up the point of childhood, and how everyone has a specific point in their lives when they feel like their childhood ended. But what actually defines a childhood? I still at 17 feel like a kid. I’m closer to the title adult but in no way, shape, or form do I feel like that applies to me. So to me, this upcoming year marks the end of my childhood, and I’m absolutely terrified and maybe even a little thrilled for it. 


  1. I never really thought about it that way (I think you're the only one watching tik toks about the era ending though). Reading this post scared me because I realized I am in no way ready to grow up and go to college and be by myself. Leaving home and the fact of having responsibilities scares me but I am excited for it either way too:)

  2. I still don't feel like an adult at 40...

  3. I honestly haven't realized how fast time has been going. We have about a year and a half left of high school. I turn 18 in may of 2021, the same month we graduate. That brings up many mixed emotions. Though, it really doesn't have to affect you if you just don't grow up. Growing old is mandatory, Growing up is optional.

  4. People always say that their day or week has gone by fast, but I feel like my entire life has gone by fast. Although I don't think age means a whole lot when it comes to how we act. Sure we should be more responsible and whatnot since we are going to have more responsibilities. On the other hand that doesn't mean that we need to give up things from out childhood such as our beloved shows or games because they are part of who we are.

  5. After reading your post it is definitely an eye opener. It is odd how time just flies by. I never really thought about how close graduation actually is until now. It is scary to think about growing up and having more responsibilities, especially the thought of going to college.

  6. I definitely get very introspective when times like this roll around. Big milestones that really mark how far along something has come. In this case, it's the very world in which we live. Posts like these are nice to read because it's nice to see not everything I remember from being a kid is gone. People still remember that blue elephant with those butterflies that got lost ALL over the house and TV shows that we watched till our brains melted. 10/10 very reflective experience.
