Monday, November 18, 2019

Ryan 2: Why I'm Interested in Anatomy & Physiology

Usually in school I find myself bored and staring at the clock. Most subjects don't interest me that much, but this year is different. I'm engaged and inspired to learn in 'human anatomy and physiology'. It's interesting to me, how i'm learning about stuff that I have been controlling my whole life, for example all systems of the human body. Don't get me wrong though, the class is hard and very demanding, but I enjoy it more than any other for some reason.

There is so much new vocabulary that I have learned since I started the class. Learning these brand new terms and definitions almost makes it feel like i'm learning a new language. Something else new that I have never done before are practicals. These are more hands on exams, in this class practicals test you on locating body parts, organs, muscles, and bones.

I think the biggest reason I like this class the most right now is because personally I like learning new things about the body and how it works. Studying feels fun, relevant, and important. I think my interest in this topic will lead me to study this in college or a topic related to anatomy. I'm already excited to schedule my classes for next year because I have a few courses similar to this one I want to take. Another class i'm looking forward to taking is psychology because the study of the mind interests me and I already try to learn about it by watching YouTube videos.


  1. I liked anatomy when I took it in college because I was good at memorizing things LOL. It was easy for me because there was no grey area, no analytics. I'm glad you seem to be enjoying it for the right reasons!

  2. That's really cool Ryan. I was debating taking Anatomy Honors but decided to take AP Lang instead. Glad to see your enjoying the class.
