Monday, November 18, 2019

Kadison 2 - Driving

July 26th, 2003. That's the day I was born. Having a summer birthday is pretty nice, right? Pool parties, no school, and having plenty of time to celebrate. I love having a summer birthday, except when it comes to driving.

By the time I got my permit, many of my friends already had their licenses. I have to rely on either them or my parents to give me a ride. This can be frustrating, especially when it comes to figuring out what time I am getting picked and need to be ready by, instead of being able to leave whenever I want. I also end up feeling slightly guilty whenever I ask; I feel as though my friends and family are going out of their way to do something for me, and they have to do it often. 

Finding rides can also be hard if there is no one going who lives by me, especially considering I live down in Lower Nazareth. Sometimes I end up having to try and convince one of my parents to take me. For instance, I have first block study hall and first block cyber every day. However, I usually have to go in early regardless because I cannot drive myself to school, and everyone I know with first block privilege does not live near me. Next semester, when I can (hopefully) drive, I do not have any study halls or privilege. 

Even though not having my license is really inconvenient, there are some upsides. For example, I get “free” rides everywhere I go, without having to pay for gas, insurance, or a car. I also do not have to drive, and therefore do not have to “focus” while driving places. I don't have to worry about maintaining my car and doing chores like scraping the ice off or vacuuming it.


  1. I remember feeling like this when I had my permit. Trust me, it seriously is worth the wait. Feeling like you are truly earning your license by passing the driver's test is a huge weight lifted of your shoulders. Driving made me extremely independent and in my opinion is one of the best things about being our age. Good luck on your future driver's test!

  2. I know a lot of people who were born in the summer and still only have their permit, so I understand how annoying it is to have to constantly ask people for rides. I have my license, and sometimes I give people rides to school that don't have their license yet, so I also get how you could feel partially guilty for having to ask for rides everywhere. Once you get your license, the freedom is definitely going to be worth all of the annoyances now.

  3. I still remember being annoyed at the fact that I couldn’t drive myself when I wanted to go out and do something. It’ll come soon and it will definitely be worth it. The issue with having to drive sometimes is definitely the issues that you mentioned, although I have brothers to help with that.

  4. I think that's the biggest takeaway from getting my license. The ability to really interact with your social (and work) life by yourself without needing three middlemen just to get you a ride somewhere is so relieving. I do agree with the fact that it is nice to not have to worry about gas, for that is certainly quite the economic burden. But, as several people have said, it is certainly worth the wait! So enjoy the bright sides for now and have fun with your full license when it comes time to get it!
