Monday, November 18, 2019

Sydney Week #2 Dance

As most of you guys know I do dance (11 years and counting). What a lot of you don’t know is what goes on behind the scenes at dance. Yes of course we work hard, dance, critique, but there are also a lot of times when we just take a break and talk.

The length of these little chats can vary a lot depending on how hard we feel like working. If we are all in the mood to work then that’s exactly what we do. We get straight to the point and skip the idle chit chat.

Other days, which are usually the day we don’t have school (seems ironic but it’s true), when we are all feeling tired and just out of it we like to take it easy. We do a fun warm up and make jokes throughout the whole class. Although we don’t usually get a lot done on these days, they are usually the ones I look forward to the most.

Now you’re probably wondering what the point of this little story is. What I’m trying to get at is that sometimes in life it’s good to work. We need to do this a lot since obviously if we don’t we won’t get anything done in life. On the other hand sometimes we just need a break. Whether your break is going to dance and just having fun, or staying home curled up with your favorite book or show, these times of relaxation are so so important. Without these times, it can be very hard to keep putting your best foot front, and being the best you can be.

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