Monday, November 18, 2019

Emma 2: Stolen Keys

  Last weekend I was supposed to go out to eat with two of my friends. We were going to originally go out for brunch, but then I went shopping in the morning. Then we arranged on going out for dinner, but my one friend had a college visit. Finally, we just decided to have a sleepover because we were all busy during the day.

   I planned on cleaning my car before I left, so I moved my car into my driveway instead of in front of my house. After cleaning it out, I put my keys on my kitchen table. I went upstairs for a shower and to pack my bag.

   When I walked back into the kitchen to get my keys to leave, they weren’t on the table. I was really confused because I had specifically remembered putting them there. I walked back and forth through my house, but they were nowhere to be found.

   I asked my mom and my younger sister Macie to help me look for them. We searched my entire bedroom, the living room, kitchen, and everywhere else in the house that I had been. I even took my phone’s flashlight to see if I had dropped them outside somehow on the way in. I asked my other sister Rowan if she had seen them, and she said no.

   I was really frustrated because I wanted to go to my friend’s house, and I had been searching for almost two hours. My mom asked Rowan if she had put them anywhere, and she laughed. She said that she knew where they were and proceeded to walk over to her toy kitchen and pull them out of the ‘fridge’.

   I was really annoyed that she had been watching me look for them for two hours and hadn’t said anything, but I didn’t make a big deal about it because I was just glad to be able to finally drive to my friend’s house.


  1. I have several younger siblings, ranging from 5-13, and they can be annoying. At least your sister gave you the keys in time to get to the sleepover.

  2. That is funny how she didn't say anything and lied to you. If my sister did that to me, I would probably fight with her.
