Monday, November 18, 2019

Connor 2: 7 Deadly Sins

Some rules are meant to be broken. Most are meant to be followed, thus why they are implemented in the first place, but some only exist to make life a lot harder for a specific group of people. Putting restrictions on others' lives is a recipe for disaster. For example, there is a religion out there that says to avoid feeling 7 specific things or you will die and burn in a fiery pit of agony for eternity. These 7 rules then dictate people's lives. Some of those rules are good to follow and make sense, while others basically tell you to suppress your natural human emotions. Basically, rules are just things made by imperfect humans, for imperfect humans. Rules are all subjective and not all are meant to be taken seriously. That being said, I have 7 deadly sins of my own when it comes to food. They may not mean a thing to others, but to me, they mean everything.

  1. Applesauce Brownies: My mother found online one time that you can substitute oil in brownies with applesauce and it will taste the same. All lies. Making brownies with applesauce reserves you a special place in the fire pits. 

  1. This Kale Kick: I have no problem with healthy eating, or kale itself. The problem is some people think they can put kale in everything. You can't make food healthy by adding more food to it. I was watching an episode of "Parks and Recreation," as I do every day, and the main character teared up because someone asked her if she would like kale in her milkshake. It was one of those scenes that really hit you hard in your emotional places like the iceberg in Titanic or every Disney's characters mother dying in the first 5 minutes. 

  1. Seasoning Food: It is important to season food and season it right. Adding a little bit of salt is not seasoning. And make sure your spice cabinets are organized right. I once had cinnamon chicken because my mom can't tell the difference between paprika and cinnamon. 
  2. Seasonal Flavors: We have the technology to get anything we want whenever we want. Don't pretend that peppermint is only a thing in December. If you want a pumpkin spice coffee in March, then it is your right to do so. Seasonal flavors are marketing scams. 

  1. Artificial Everything: Don't get me wrong, artificial banana is my favorite fruit, but all these artificial flavors and colors just taste disgusting. Not to mention that they are slowly killing us all. It's not much work just to squeeze an actual orange into something than sit in a lab and try to mimic the flavor using chemicals.

  1. The Meat Industry: Everyone who works in the meat industry has a special fire pit for them. I'm not a vegetarian and love the taste of meat, but the way we go about getting it is terrible. Not to mention most of our meat is held together with actual glue while they just want us to think it's fat. Disgusting.

The biggest "no me gusta" of all,

7. Touching My Food: If you did not ask, then you do not touch. I have a lot of issues and thus require a lot of food. If you want to share, then you have to alert me and ask first, or I will attack you like a wild animal. As the common phrase goes, "JOEY DOESN'T SHARE FOOD."


  1. Connor, I love this. I agree with all of them, especially number four about seasonal flavors; definitely a scam! Now I want to come up with my own list lol.

  2. I totally agree with your first sin. My brother used to be allergic to eggs. This means that way too many of our baked goods at home involved egg substitutes, such as applesauce. The amount of sugar cookies I have eaten with applesauce instead of eggs is definitely too many.

  3. Ha, I love this! So creative and relatable! I completely agree with the 7th one in particular-- I have a very nosy family that likes to ask for some of my food AFTER they eat it. I mean, how much worse could it possibly get?!

  4. I like number three. So many people have no idea how to season food correctly. A little spice goes a long way. Some things that really drive me nuts are when people don't season meat or use oregano wrong in Italian food.

  5. Personally, I've made brownies with applesauce on multipe occassions. I've never tasted a difference, but this really makes me want to make it both ways and try them at the same time to see if their is actually a noticeable difference.

  6. Ahh Connor I can hear the sarcasm from miles away. I know you're going to yell at me tomorrow in art, however what kind of friend would I be if I DIDNT argue one of your points like I always do?? My entire life I have been substituting olive oil for applesauce in cakes and brownies and it comes out just the same. I dont know if the ratio was off or what happened with your brownies but I have to say, it works man.

  7. As an aspiring chef I agree with all of these. Applesauce in brownies? Disgusting. There are so many other, better substitutes. While I love kale, and I'm guilty of putting it in some weird smoothie combos, it is definitely over used. The amount of people who don't season their food is ridiculous! Like it's really not that hard to add some flavor. Artificial flavors are terrible, especially the banana =P. But yeah you make some really valid points and I love this.
