Monday, December 16, 2019

Alanna, 5; FBLA

Today I went to regionals for FBLA, Future Business Leaders of America. I was in a group with my friend Katie Madson and we did a topic called Graphic Design. For this topic, we had to create a band, their name, logo, and promotional tactics needed to advertise them. We started it around 2 months ago and were SOOOO excited. Katie and I were both state qualifiers last year, but were not in the same group. We never really thought about not making it to the state competition but regardless we worked hard on our project.

We created our logo and basically plastered it over everything whether it was cargo vans, websites, stickers, T-shirts, etc. We worked on it every day over this past weekend till late at night. For extra practice, to make sure we were ready, I slept over her house Sunday night, the night before regionals, where we stayed up till 1:45 am, practicing our presentation.

When we got to regionals we were feeling rather confident with our project and execution. They called us into the room around 10:30 and our hearts started beating at an alarmingly fast pace. Then we went into the room, introduced ourselves to the judges, and began our presentation. We had two younger judges watching our presentation this year and they were very quiet and disengaged when we walked in. When presenting, the one girl judge was on her phone THE ENTIRE time! After we finished they asked no questions about our process and showed no interest in our products.

Katie and I were rather confident with our execution of the presentation but after that, we began to question if we shouldn't be. We were set on making it to states, and now we are scared we will not qualify but we can only hope it was the same way for the other groups as was for us. 



  1. The judges were honestly so clueless. When we came in to set up, they didn't know how to use the computer and thought we had all our own technology, even though we were supposed to use the college's. Then, when I asked if they had any questions they looked at me as if I had seven heads. Apparently they find out they're judging the morning of, but they still should at least pretend they know what they're doing. Either way good luck and I hope you guys make it to states.

  2. My judges were young too! It ended up working out in our favor because of our topic, but they were definitely inexperienced. Hopefully this means they graded/judged us a bit easier than other judges in the past. That’s really irritating that one of your judges weren't even paying attention to your presentation.
