Monday, December 16, 2019

Mackenna 5: Christmas Presents

My youngest brother, Harrison, is turning seven on December 21. Normally we would all be excited to celebrate, but it's impossible to figure out what it is he wants for his birthday and Christmas. So far he has said that he wants a Google Play gift card for $50, along with some legos and Nerf guns that he never actually plays with. He spends most of his time playing on my dad's tablet until my parents take it from him. My parents got desperate that we downloaded an app that allows you to "call Santa" so that Harrison could tell him what he wants for Christmas. Everything he said he wanted was completely useless. We even went to see various other Santa's at the mall, Martin Guitar, and the grocery store. He said he didn't want anything for Christmas! 

On the other hand, my other brother, Beckett, wants a bunch of really expensive electronics and gift cards. He said he wanted things like a cell phone, a new tablet, a TV in his room, a google play gift card for $100, and for my dad to bring the Xbox upstairs to the family room so that he can play it whenever he wants. My parents said his list was outrageous. I swear he thinks money grows on trees. My parents have no idea what to get him either. 

My oldest brother, Everett, wants sports equipment, which sounds easy enough in the average person's head but it's not quite what you would expect. He wants a new rebounder net to replace the one we broke, as well as a new fence so that he can throw more balls at it and break that as well. He also wants a lot of signed merchandise from his favorite players, which is also out of the question. 

Jillian, my younger sister, is the only one that actually has a reasonable yet interesting list. Last year her list composed of mainly plants and books. This year she simply asked for a bookshelf full of books, as well as some candy canes. The problem for my parents? Trying to figure out which books to get her. 

At the end of the day, I think it's really frustrating to have to constantly guess on what to buy kids for Christmas. I never truly understood how difficult it was for my parents to get presents for me and my siblings based on our crazy demands. Because of this, I tried to make my list as straight-forward as possible in order to at least make finding my presents as painless as possible. I think that it's really important that kids try to do this on their Christmas lists to make it easier for everyone during the holidays. 


  1. Figuring out Christmas gifts is always the hardest part for me too. I always find it so difficult to shop even for the people that I'm closest to. Just remember that it doesn't really matter what you end up getting since it's always the thought that counts :)

  2. I didn't realize you had such a large group of siblings!

  3. The hardest part about Christmas time is definitely trying to find the perfect gift for a person. It is so hard to just figure out what they want and it is always stressful. I feel that in the end it doesn’t matter too much as you still made the effort and show that you appreciate them.
