Monday, December 16, 2019

Joe 5: In the Unlikely Event that I Ever Get Off my Butt...

Look people. There are a lot of perks to having a computer-based hobby. I get to have my own creative space, hide away from my loud family for hours at a time (and call it “creative output) and occasionally even get paid for hired work.


With every good thing, there comes a bad. For one thing, I have these really weird stretch marks on my back that look like I fought an alligator who tried to mug me. I also have joint pains in my right hand from using a computer mouse for hours on end. And there is the looming, ever-present fact that I absolutely, for the life of me, cannot bring myself to work out.

That’s right, dear readers, you are about to be clued into my severe lack of Chuck “The Rock” Schwarzenegger energy.

That isn’t to say I haven’t tried valiantly. Over the last few months of school, I came home every day, retreated to my cold, scary basement, and feebly lifted weights and did planks. Loyal members of this blog will also remember my odyssey of asbestos and housework over the summer, which kept me fairly tuned up. But as always, as school came a knockin, I started a walkin. Away. From exercise. Oh and I started working at a donut shop in the meantime.

I have a great deal of respect for sports players and active health enthusiasts who have it in them to beat themselves to a pulp deliberately in the name of wellbeing. I also know that I am not one of their numbers. I’m more of a cheerleader on the sidelines, pom-pom in one hand and a donut in the other.

So, onward good people who want to avoid high cholesterol and have muscles! I have a date with a couch and a bowl of heavily-buttered popcorn.
Image result for working out


  1. I totally relate to this. After every field hockey/lacrosse season I tell myself I should continue to exercise in order to stay in good condition for the next season. And within the next 2-3 weeks afterwards, I will always fall into a downward spiral of slowly stopping because I’m “busy” with other events, family stuff, and schoolwork. Then summer/winter leagues start up and I pretty much have to be reconditioned. On the plus side, my grades usually go up when I am not exercising daily because I do have more time.

  2. I understand this COMPLETELY. Although I enjoy working out and going to the gym, I do not do it often but wish I did. I find myself not having the motivation to work out and actually leave my bed in any other season besides volleyball season. I always make promises to myself that I will start to work out and it lasts like a month at most. Happens to the best of us:/

  3. This is really relatable. I go through a yearly cycle of fitness called marching band. Every band camp in August, I'm active and feel great until band conveniently ends before the holidays start. The combination of no activity, sleep deprivation, and excess cookies doesn't turn out well.
