Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Liz 5: Cleaning my room

When school started, my schedule became jam-packed. Between schoolwork, my job, and trying to maintain a social life, I ended up being so busy that I pushed aside things like putting away laundry and tidying up my room. It got to the point where my closet was literally empty, with all my clothes in one pile on the floor, and I could barely walk across my room to my bed. I hated it, but the problem was I never had a day to dedicate to completely deep cleaning my room. Finally, I decided this past weekend, I was going to do the work I had been pushing off for months.

A couple weeks ago I bought new, velvet hangers to try and encourage myself to put my laundry away. So I finally took those out and started to tackle the huge pile taking up half my floor. After 2 hours of sorting, organizing, and hanging my clothes, I was able to tackle the other main issue of my room: garbage. The floor that wasn’t occupied by clothes was covered in receipts, school papers, and tissues. Also, my nightstand had about 15 empty or half-empty cans of sparkling water covering it. Honestly, it was gross, and I don’t know how I dealt with it for so long. But I’m proud of myself for finally finding the time and energy to tackle the mess, and to make things even better, I can tell that having a clean living space is definitely improving my overall mood. I even decorated my wall for Christmas! Hopefully, I can keep it clean now. Fingers crossed.


  1. I can relate to this a lot, my room goes through a cycle of clean and messy. That's good you found time to get it done. Walking into a clean room is always nice.

  2. Good for you for admitting it, because I think we can all relate! Ever since I had to start doing my own laundry, keeping up with the cleaning of my room is hard-- I even have to clean on the days the cleaning lady comes! Nice job getting it done though, I hope it stays nice and tidy for a while!
