Monday, December 16, 2019

Ryan 5: My Favorite Part of Christmas

Most people's favorite part of Christmas is getting presents, or even giving them. It may also be getting a Christmas tree and decorating it with your family. Another commonly enjoyed event is having dinner and meeting with relatives. My favorite part of Christmas is none of these. Christmas is my favorite holiday simply because I don't have to go to school for twelve days. This may sound funny, but it means a lot to busy high school students like me.

With the end of the second quarter of the first semester near, at Nazareth Area High school. Christmas to me is a way of celebrating how far I've made it through the school year so far. Christmas break means to me that I can hangout with friends almost everyday because everyone has off. I also let myself stay up late because i'm not able to do that with the normal school schedule. With this, of course, comes sleeping in really late and actually getting a lot of sleep. I'm hoping for no over the break homework so I can truly enjoy these twelve days of rest and relaxation.

Overall, school stresses me out a lot, probably along with many other students. I'm excited for Christmas, but i'm super relieved we get a nice long break from school. It's a time to re energize for the second half of the school year and to begin the new year. That's what I enjoy most about Christmas, at least while i'm in high school.


  1. I agree that Christmas break is wildly important to help us re-energize for the long, cold months ahead. I will also be doing a lot of staying up late and sleeping in.

  2. I can't say I don't agree. The long awaited winter break is always something every high school student looks forward to after Thanksgiving break. I will be enjoying long nights with family and friends. Merry Christmas!

  3. I also agree that one of the best parts of Christmas is getting a break from schoolwork. Especially in junior year, school is really stressful and having time to relax is definitely beneficial.

  4. I pretty much agree with everything you had to say. I feel that Christmas break is a very important time to get to relax and be able to actually do what you want, without having to be stressed out about school. I can't wait for it to finally be here.
