Monday, December 16, 2019

Liam 5 - Star Wars

Star Wars
     As many of you probably know, the final episode of the sequel Star Wars trilogy and the Skywalker saga comes out on Friday. The franchise has come a long way from its humble beginnings. Star Wars was originally created by George Lucas, a small-time director that wanted to write a Flash Gordon-like space opera. The result was the fifth largest media franchise of all time and holds the Guinness World Record for the “Most successful film merchandising franchise”.

     This sequel trilogy is special to me because it is the first Star Wars movies I get to see in theaters. All my life I have been exposed to the prequels and the original trilogy, but these are new. I am really excited for the Rise of Skywalker. There has been an unbelievable amount of hype for the movie. This film is the culmination of decades of Star Wars. I can’t wait to see it on Friday. As with all big movie releases, there are people that make guesses about the film. I have been forcing myself away from anything that might reveal the plot. For the past few years, Star Wars has been a Christmas tradition. I see each new movie several times over break. Looking to the future, Disney will have free reign to mold the star wars universe. I am even more excited about the films they make in the next decade. Star Wars is part of the world culture that I think will grow more under the management of Disney.


  1. The original Empire and Jedi came out when I was very young and I wasn't into them at all. But I was fortunate that they were released when I was a teenager and I had friends who dragged me along so I saw them all in the theatre fo the first time, even though it was several decades after they were new. I'm a fan, but not an avid one. I enjoy the movies, but don't get super hyped about them like my husband and brother do. Anyhow, I hope this final movie is everything you hope for!


  2. One of the most constant parts of my personality is how much I absolutely adore Star Wars. I am seriously as giddy to see this movie as a 16-year-old as I was when I was 10 years old. #countingtheminutes.

  3. My younger years were filled with Star Wars. I absolutely loved it. Over Christmas break I usually spend way too much time rewatching ever single Star Wars movie. I fell in love with Solo, a movie made under Disney, but to be honest my favorite Star War character is Han Solo with his amazing ship, the Millennium Falcon, so I a partial to loving the movie. I am interested in what Disney will continue to do with the Star Wars franchise and hope they don't ruin it's appeal to me. I can't wait to see how the Skywalker saga ends and from all the theories (I couldn't avoid) there is a lot to look forward to.
