Sunday, December 8, 2019

Emma 4: Looking for a new job

I’ve been working at Emily’s Ice Cream for about 6 months. It’s usually relatively easy to work there, and the tips are really good in the summer. The hourly pay is also really good. It’s not far from my house, so getting there takes less than 5 minutes. The best benefit of working there is that I can bring home ice cream whenever I want it, and I can always get ice cream for free. Working there so far has been convenient and fun.
     However, there are some problems in the store that bother me. The biggest issue for all of the workers right now is that we have not been paid. Our boss constantly pushes back our pay days, never paying us on time. She is so far behind that we have not been paid for the end of October. Sometimes she doesn’t pay us the right amount, either. We all have to keep track of our hours to make sure she pays us the correct amount.
    It’s really frustrating to not be paid for so long, especially because it’s Christmas time. Not only do I need to pay my car insurance, but I need to be able to buy my family presents. Christmas is really expensive, and I was looking forward to being able to buy my family nice presents this year instead of giving them DIY things like I’ve been doing since I was little. I’m not sure if I will even be able to buy any presents this year because of not being paid.
   A lot of my coworkers have texted my boss about the situation, but she does not respond to our concerns. I’ve been looking for new jobs because of how it’s looking to continue working at Emily’s. I think if I get hired at a new place, I’m going to continue working at Emily’s, but also work at a more reliable place.


  1. I've always hated that aspect of working. You want to do something you enjoy and try not to make it about the money, but in the grand scheme of things you really do need it and deserve it. Bad management is the reason why I left my old job. My co-worker got excited that we made a lot of money in tips, but I pointed out that it came at the expense of the most stressful 2 hours of our lives. It bothers me how important money has become in our lives. I'm glad you do like the work and I hope you get what you earned. We are hiring at Dunkin though.

  2. Emma, please fix your formatting so we can read your paragraphs

    1. Thanks! Now that I can read it: OH MY GOSH, THAT's AWFUL!!! It can't be legal for her to not pay you.
