Monday, December 9, 2019

Liz 4: My thoughts on the SAT

So this past Saturday I took my first SAT, and honestly I was completely underwhelmed. Everyone talks about the SAT being this super hard, important test, but as I took it, I realized it was practically the same as every other standardized test out there. It got me thinking, if all these tests are practically the same, why are some held in higher regard than others?

I’ve taken my fair share of standardized tests: IOWAs at Holy Family (which are practically the same as the PSSAs), Keystones, PSATs, SATs, and probably more that I can’t think of at the moment. While these tests differ slightly, they really seem to have the same setup and goals. Also, most of these tests are required to graduate and get into a good college. Why can’t we just take one that sums up everything? Or maybe not just take them at all. Honestly they seem pointless to me. They test the most narrow section of information/skills that we learn in high school. I think that entrance exams (which are often also required) done at colleges are the best way to test a student’s knowledge. Let’s be real though; standardized tests are just a convenient, however inaccurate, way of ranking schools and judging their abilities.


  1. I completely agree, the SAT kind of sucked for me, but other than that, I thought it was almost identical to the other standardized tests we took prior. The PSSA's to me are pointless because I have no clue what they even determine. I also hate the fact that one test, the SAT, determines almost everything about you and what colleges you can go to. What if you just aren't a good tester?

  2. Standardized tests are a very strange breed. I can tell you how many apples Janet has while being on a train to Detroit going 40 miles an hour, but once finance season rolls around I am lost. I guess, for now, we just have to play along because otherwise, colleges aren't exactly about to be lining up.

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