Monday, December 9, 2019

Julie 4 - Field Hockey

Field Hockey has been apart of my life since fourth grade. I love the sport and I always look forward to it on boring days. I play all year long, both indoor and outdoor, for both the Nazareth Area High School Team as well as Marajoka, a local indoor and outdoor club.

Over the weekend, we had our first indoor field hockey tournament. After practicing for about three months and then being placed on a team, I was restless for my first tournament. I was put on Marajoka Purple one of the three U19 teams we have. I didn't know most of the girls on the team, but I soon learned who they were and how they played.

I would like to say that we won the tournament, but the opposite is to be said. We lost three of our games and tied one. Though, this is a valuable learning experience for the entire team. We were able to learn how to play with each other, so that, hopefully, our next tournament goes better.

As a goalie, I have to be able to recognize the weak and strong points of each player. This is hard to do during practice, but once in a game like situation it is easier to point out.  This tournament allowed me to do just this, and now I know who is stronger in offense, in defense, or who can do both amazingly.  This is super important to know because in indoor field hockey there are usually five players on the field over outdoor where you have 11 players on the field.

Even with this tough start to the indoor session, I am hoping that after some more experience my team will be able to qualify for NIT's(National Indoor Tournament).

Grace and I on game day(when? no clue)


  1. I totally believe you can qualify for NIT’s. I’m sorry you didn’t do so well in your tournament, but that just means you have more room to improve! Hopefully now that your team knows each other better, you can continue to bond and get better together.

  2. At least you learned from your loss. Losing is obviously not what you want, but if you are able to learn from it and improve on that, you will be successful.
