Monday, December 9, 2019

Stephan Nigohosian 4: The Christmas Miracle

Planning things with a group of indecisive people never goes well, as I have learned over Thanksgiving break. Our friend’s birthday was over the break, and we had the brilliant idea to decorate her car. We decided that we were going to do a Christmas theme for her car, as she is obsessed with Christmas. We struggled to make a basic plan of what we were going to do in the weeks leading up to it;  we could not figure out when we were going to go shopping and decorate her car. What was even worse was everyone’s schedules were already filled those two weeks.

Everything was going well until the weather had to ruin everything. Of course, we had to schedule everything on the only two days it snowed. We had to go buy everything and decorate her car all in the same day. We finally ended up going to Target and Five Below, buying gift cards, cotton as fake snow, a blow-up camel, wrapping paper, and fake lights. We quickly got everything and went over to her house to decorate. At this point, we just couldn’t keep it a secret anymore. Our original plan was to decorate late at night when she wouldn’t see us, but we were forced to do it at two.

It was probably better this way as we would get to see her excitement when she saw her car. Our goal was to make it look like Christmas threw up in her car. We wrapped her seats in wrapping paper, strung lights around the roof of the car, and filled her car with cotton, candy canes, and ornaments. We even connected an outdoor inflatable Christmas camel to her outdoor outlet and put it in her trunk.

Even though our plans fell through, we couldn’t have hoped for a better result. She was very surprised when she realized we hadn’t just done a bunch of balloons and some streamers; we did a whole Christmas shebang. Seeing her reaction was probably the greatest part. She was just so happy and her reaction was priceless.


  1. LOL! I love this idea Stephan. Such a shame mother nature had to foil your original plans but you overcame it and surprised her with a cool birthday present.
