Thursday, February 6, 2020

Alanna 7: Jefferson University

Junior year, the year where you have to start looking at colleges, take the SATs, ACTs, take harder, more challenging classes, while still balancing other extracurriculars. Inevitably, the time had to come sooner or later where my mom would ask me every day if I have studied for the SAT yet, picked a major, picked a college to visit, or even started my college essay and I couldn't be less excited. To get her to be quiet, I suggested Jefferson University to her and of course she didn't hesitate to schedule a tour.

Going into this, my hopes were pretty low and I was not excited. I never thought too far into college, mainly because I wanted to avoid it. I am scared for the whole process of acceptance and rejection, and maybe even going somewhere you didn’t end up liking. All of that really turns me away from starting this process, but for my mom, I did it.

Jefferson University is in Philadelphia, about ten minutes away from center city Philly, but still not in the busy, scary city. I chose here because I knew it was very close to the city so I would be able to get the experience but not gain the full city exposure, along with a very good and growing medical program. To my surprise, when we arrived I was, off the bat, very impressed. It was a BEAUTIFUL campus with a really good academic program. I found out many interesting things about the campus and college life that made me somewhat more excited and open-minded to the college experience. They are very giving with financial aid, accepting of personal needs, and open to personalizing your experience to make it the best for you.

I learned from this experience that I shouldn't judge the whole process before I try it. If I kept an open mind to college, I wouldn't have been so pessimistic and angry at it. Even though I may not be excited, I should still try and put in the effort because no matter what I need to do it, and it might surprise me.

What makes you eager or not eager to start college?

Image result for jefferson university

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