Thursday, February 6, 2020

Ryan 7: Excited for soccer season

Next fall is a long time from now, but I am already excited for my Nazareth soccer season. First of all its my senior season so I want to make the most of it. Second were going to be very good next year we will have nine returning seniors who start. My goal is to make it to the district finals, this past year we were robbed our spot in the play offs. Even though we didn't make districts we beat the state ranked district champions, Emmaus for the first time in years during the regular season. So we have a lot to look forward too and I am very excited.

I have been talking with my friends lately about who our competition will be next year and it seems like all the great players are graduating. While our team was young the past few years and almost all of our team has had at least three years of varsity play. We also realized that were the seniors so we have to set the energy and mood for the season. Which is key to a successful season in my opinion.

Personally I want to step up my game in the midfield and help our team win game after game. I am so excited for the season because I have always wanted to win the final and the fact that it is a possibility this year excites me. It's still very early but I have been training with my club team and with many others on our team at open fields. 

Overall, I know i'm going to have fun and enjoy the season, but I want this year to be memorable so ill do whatever it takes. When the season finally comes around i'm going to train hard and take it seriously. Hopefully Nazareth soccer 2020 district champions will be on a banner in the gym. Have you ever been super excited for something that is a long time away?


  1. Not going to lie Ryan, Boys soccer doesn't get the best reputation for being a successful sports team at Nazareth. However, I love to see the early enthusiasm and hope in your next season. I'm in the same boat right now, Im super excited for my senior golf season this fall. Coach has a lot of high expectations for us!

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