Thursday, February 6, 2020

Stephan 7: First Block Study Hall and Privilege

One of the best things on BDF days is starting my day off with a first block study hall. Since I have privilege, I can sleep in until 7:45 instead of 6:30. It’s nice because I can sleep in and wake up feeling well-rested and refreshed. I find it so much easier to get up in the morning, compared to my ACE days when I have to wake up earlier. It makes my day so much easier, as I am able to focus and get all my work done with ease.

It is often hard for me to be even remotely productive on the days that I don’t have a first block study hall. What is even more out of the ordinary is that I end up not procrastinating on my work, as I can just sit down and do it. When I sit down to work on days I can’t sleep in, I can’t gather myself and it ends up making everything harder on myself. This really got me thinking about some of my sleeping habits and what effects they ended up having on me.

To figure this out I did a small test. What I ended up doing was on days that I didn’t have first block study hall, I went to bed an hour earlier than normal for a week. I had a bit of trouble going to sleep when I first started my test as I was used to staying up later, but this was only for the first few days. After a while, I started to feel better each day. After a while, I came to the obvious conclusion that the extra sleep was really the only thing helping me.

I think the main difference at first between the days I had first block study hall vs. the days I didn’t was the fact that it was easier for me to fall asleep later, which obviously let me have more time to sleep. I wish I could keep this up for longer but it isn’t sustainable with all of my schoolwork and everything else going on in my life. I can only try to make it work, but I’m not really sure if I’ll be able to do that. Has anyone else ever had an experience like this?
Image result for cartoon pillow


  1. I can relate to you because first semester I was able to sleep in longer. My schedule each day was different which ruined my sleep cycle too. Keep trying to create your own sleep schedule. It is important to sleep well to sustain grades. I'm glad you figured out a solution.

  2. It's so hard when your schedule isn't the same. I know I would definitely sleep in if I had 1st block free every other day, but I also know that would ultimately do more damage because it would mess up my body with its inconsistency.
