Thursday, February 6, 2020

Kadison 7 - Color

I’m sure everyone has heard of psychics, palm reading, tarot cards or something along those lines. Recently, a couple of classmates and I were talking about this post we saw online recently. The conversation started with the way people think; some people have an internal monologue, while others think in pictures and abstract thoughts. This in itself is a crazy concept to me, as there is almost constantly an internal dialogue going about in my head. The idea that some people have non-verbal thoughts, which might be why they end up talking out loud, literally blows my mind. It gets even crazier.

One of my group members said that not only can she visualize her thoughts, she can also think with colors and see the colors of people. When I say see the colors of people, we quickly figured out she could supposedly see people auras. She didn’t even realize that’s what she was seeing until we googled what the colors meant, and it was pretty freaky. One of the websites we were on had specific kinds of colors too (like bright yellow, dark yellow, lemon yellow, pale yellow) that all had different attributes.

There were plenty of scarily accurate details, but by far the most mind-blowing one was Alexander Hamilton. She said she could see the colors/auras in photos, so we wanted to test it out with a well known historical figure. She said he was a dark green, and the article read “You are a very jealous person and full of resentment. You refuse to accept responsibility for your own actions.” Alexander Hamilton literally cheated on his wife and refused to take responsibility, and dueled Aaron Burr over his resentment for Burr’s career success. Keep in mind that my classmates did not have the aura article open; I did.

I am unsure if I actually believe in auras or not. This entire conversation could have just been a series of unlikely events. However, after researching some of it on my own, I found a possible science-related explanation for aura-seeing: synesthesia. Synesthesia is a condition that causes people to take in more than one sense at once. In other words, people can taste shapes, see sounds, etc. There’s also a possibility the people who can see auras are just seeing a light source against a darker object (or person).

The entire concept of someone being able to read my personality from just looking at me sounds just as suspicious as someone understanding who I am by knowing my birthday. After the conversation I had with my classmates, however, I started wondering if people could have auras that represented their personality. Whether or not they are actually real is beyond me, but it was pretty cool having the aura colors match up with all of our personalities. Do any of you believe in auras, or is there a literal explanation for everything? Even if you think it’s a bunch of bologna, I think it’s still pretty cool to think about.


  1. I definitely believe in auras, as the one that same person gave me was extremely accurate! However, I think some people can over exaggerate their mental abilities since there's really no way to prove they're wrong. For example, there are a lot of people who became famous as psychics, but they tend to lie. I saw a video just yesterday about a psychic who said a little girl in a picture was dead, but the little girl was the interviewer! Synesthesia makes much more sense than that, though (no pun intended).

  2. I love this topic. Not knowing the truth about it is so annoying, yet it is so interesting to discuss. As the son of an art teacher, I was trained at an early age to see the colors of shadows. If you look closely, shadows are all very different colors. Yet, is this the same or completely different from auras? Can people see the reflections and shadows of colors and think it to be something else, or are there actually colorful auras of emotions radiating off everything? The whole topic of auras, tarot, astrology, and all that is so fascinating. I don´t really believe in it, but I often use the excuse of being a Taurus when I do something dumb and need an excuse. ¨Why are you always so stubborn?¨ ¨I don´t know, I´m a Taurus.¨

  3. I actually saw that post too, about people thinking in abstract thoughts! It literally blew my mind that some people don't think in sentences, but rather pictures or colors or whatever. It also blew my mind that they never realized there were people who thought in sentences and stuff! Humans are literally crazy, it really makes you wonder what other aspects of our life aren't universal to everyone. It hurts my brain just to think about it. I've always been skeptical about things like astrological signs and auras and stuff, but the more I learn about them, and research them, and look at my own readings, they really seem accurate. It's scary honestly.

  4. I believe in auras and energies and everything else like that 100%. My family has history with stuff like that and the amount of stories my grandmother can tell you is insane. My logic and reasoning for it all is super crazy and I don't tell many people in fear of being made fun of, but part of the reason I so adamantly believe in it is we live on a floating rock in the middle of nothingness, so how can you say that someone cant see auras? We know next to nothing about our world and what lies out in space, and even on our own planet. So I believe that your friend sees people auras, and I believe that some things just cant be explained.

  5. I actually have a friend at dance who says that every song she hears immediately gets linked to a color in her mind, so instead of seeing colors she hears them. We all thought it was strange but extremely accurate because we could see why she linked the color to the song and it always fit very well with the song. She also said that her sisters did the same thing and they usually heard the same color, so I thought that it was quite interesting.
