Thursday, March 12, 2020

11 Julie - Lacrosse

     After some consideration, I decided to join the school’s lacrosse team.  This decision was kind of sporadic, but so far, I do not regret it. This year is the first year that I am playing lacrosse after playing field hockey for seven years. During field hockey, I play as a goalie, and I would never change that for the world. However, I decided to play in the field for lacrosse instead of as a goalie.

     With starting a new sport, many new things came to light. One thing is that I am totally in over my head with the number of rules that I have to learn. While the coaches try to explain the rules during practice, they continue to explain that everything is easier to learn while watching a game. Other players continue to say that each referee has their own interpretations of the rules which throws a whole new spin on trying to understand them. I don’t know if I will ever fully understand the rules, but this does not discourage me.

     Another thing that I noticed, was that with the different position I am playing there is a lot more running involved. This might seem stupid to write, but as a goalie for field hockey, I would stay on one side of the field right by the cage, and this did not involve a ton of running. Being a field player for lacrosse requires a lot more running then I have previously done. I knew that there was a lot of running going to be involved, but I never fully grasped this until our first week of practice. I don’t mind the running during our drills now that I have gotten used to the rhythm of practices.

     Although I am confused beyond belief, I really enjoy playing lacrosse. I love playing on a new team of girls who keep encouraging and helping me no matter how many times I mess up. I can’t wait to see how my first game of lacrosse will go.

What is something you didn’t know about a new activity you started?
Image result for lacrosse sticks

1 comment:

  1. That's so cool for you! I have always wanted to try a new sport but was always scared of being behind everyone else there. Like what if I joined and completely stunk? I have so much respect for your ability to do that and I hope everything goes well.
