Thursday, March 12, 2020

Emma 11: Museum of Natural History

Last weekend I stayed in New York, and my family went to the Museum of Natural History on our last day there. In the past, I had visited it with my cousin and our moms. I thought it was really interesting when I was little, so I hoped it would be just as interesting the second time around 10 years later. Luckily, I ended up finding everything even more intriguing than I did last time.

First, we went into the dinosaur area, which didn’t entertain me for very long. This was probably my least favorite part of the day. Although dinosaurs are amusing, they can quickly get boring to look at when there are hundreds of models of them that are very similar to one another. However, my mom loves dinosaurs. This meant we had to stay in this area for as long as she wanted to keep her happy. None of us had eaten actual breakfast that morning because most hotels in the city don’t provide a complimentary breakfast like they usually do, so my sisters and I got hangry after being forced to stay in the dinosaur exhibit for almost an hour and half. Finally, my mom agreed to move on from the dinosaurs. We ended up getting lunch there, which I would not recommend because it wasn’t very good.

Although there were many other parts of the museum that I thought were interesting such as the African mammals and Asian culture areas, my favorite part of the museum was the Hall of Ocean Life. There was a huge replica of a blue whale hanging from the ceiling, which I was extremely afraid of when I first visited the Museum of Natural History. This time around I thought it was amazing to see just how large some of the world’s creatures are. The scenes of the ocean animals also looked very realistic. Having so many different types of information about the entire world in one place is a really unique feature that most museums don’t have. I would definitely recommend visiting the Museum of Natural History if you haven’t already. Have you ever been to a museum or art exhibit in New York?

1 comment:

  1. I enjoy going to museums too so that sounds like a fun place to visit. I agree that natural history is interesting.
