Thursday, March 12, 2020

Owen: 11 Life is crazy right now!

I think everyone can agree on my title of the blog that life is crazy with the coronavirus pandemic panic. Schools are shutting down, professional sports are being suspended or postponed, air travel is being limited, yet Nazareth is still in school. Although the coronavirus seems to cause problems for the older generation, it is definitely a scary thing to still be operating school and other activities. However, that isn't to say I want the school to close.

The government just put a 30-day travel ban from flights to Europe or back to the US. That's crazy! And on top of that our president may or may have not come in to contact with a coronavirus victim. Following the effect of this virus on our government, it is also taking a toll on our economy. The stock market is at the lowest it has been since the latest crash in 1987! Thanks to COVID-19. The dow jones average is down almost 2,500 points! That's -9.99% passing the 1987 crash by .93%.

Not only is this virus taking our economy by storm it's also taking our professional sports away from us! The NBA, NHL, MLB, NFL, and MLS are all suspending their regular seasons as of today. That means there's nothing to watch. Yes, we have Netflix, but being a 16-year-old male I need sports. However, that's not the only live sporting event canceled within the last couple of days. College-level sports have all either been postponed or suspended for two weeks minimum. Including, if not the best college-level live sports phenomenon, March Madness. The tournament that every sports fanatic looks forward to every March has officially been canceled. 

This is where my worry starts to shape. For example, schools in our area are starting to close because of the virus. My worry is not that someone will get the virus, but more so that it will disrupt all of education and sports at our school. My varsity baseball season just started and feels like it might be ending or postponed very soon. 

Hopefully, everything will all calm down within the next month or so and business will go on as usual. 
How do you feel about the hype/ panic surrounding the coronavirus in your daily life?

Image result for coronavirus

1 comment:

  1. I think that people are panicking about the wrong things. You don't need to hoard, you don't need to worry about sports, concerts, etc. You need to stay home, go out for groceries once a week, buy some stocks, and take it easy by not letting yourself be infected or infect others. This shouldn't be a particularly worrying time, it should be used as a time of learning and self-improvement.
