Thursday, March 12, 2020

Stephan 11: The Inability to Focus

Recently when I was trying to get some work done, I found it nearly impossible for me to focus on what I was doing. I tried to limit as many distractions as I possibly could, making sure that my phone and any possible thing that could draw me away was out of sight, however, I still had trouble focusing. Whenever I sat down to do my work, I just found myself drifting off, unable to concentrate on anything. It was infuriating that I wasn’t able to sit down and concentrate. It felt as if there was a mental block stopping me from concentrating.

Eventually, I just had to step away and just take my mind off of everything. After about a half-hour, I figured that it was time to at least attempt to do my work. Oddly enough I was able to sit down and get all of my work done. Now what puzzled me was could I not just start working the first time. Although I made sure that I got rid of all of my physical distractions, I did not reduce any of my mental distractions. This is what led to me not being able to focus. Now, this doesn’t often happen to me, but I wanted to figure out ways to prevent it before it became too common.

The two things that I came up with was to make a to-do list, so I could focus on what needed to be done and set up allotted times to do each task. I’m hoping that this will solve my focus issues and maybe even my procrastination. That being said, have you ever had a time in which you found it difficult to focus?

Image result for focus images

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