Thursday, March 12, 2020

Sydney Week #11 Downhill

I know there will probably be quite a few posts similar to this for quite obvious reasons but boy are things going downhill. It seems like in all things both big and small, everyone’s life is just going downhill. Whether it’s worldwide incidents such as the Corona Virus or Australia burning, or the small instances like dropping a freaking block of ice on your phone (aka what inspired this blog post).

I’ve always lived with the assumption that things will always get better. We’ve all seen the inspirational posters that say “Hang in there!” with the poor cat dangling on a tree branch. We’ve been told as a society that things will get better; that life as we know it will get better, but at the rate we’re going I’m not sure if that’s true anymore.

Don’t get me wrong I’m not trying to be pessimistic here, but the world is literally falling apart. I mean, entire COUNTRIES are shutting down or preparing to shut down. This is a worldwide issue that could not have come at a worse time. Even though from a long term perspective things such as prom, graduation, concerts, plays, and sports aren’t that important, it’s still devastating to even think about these events getting cancelled.

Yes, I know that, “you’ll hardly remember graduation in 20 years” or “your best years are still to come”, but I can’t help but be sad that we’re missing so many key points in our childhood. These are supposed to be some of the most exciting and enjoyable years where we have fun with our friends and explore the world, but instead we can barely leave our town let alone our homes.

Even though it may not seem like there’s a light at the end of the tunnel yet, I’m still clinging onto the hope that things will get better. Even through the hardest times, the world has managed to pull itself back together and make things better. What’s been getting me through is just remembering the small things. Whether it's a sweet message, a beautiful starry sky, a smile from a loved one, or the satisfaction of finishing a project (or a blog post), there are countless small moments that make life great, so even when everything seems to be going downhill, there will still be many happy memories on the way down.

What’s something that makes you smile even when you’re mad?

Also if you’re wondering, yes I did actually drop a block of ice on my phone and I’m hopefully getting it fixed soon.

1 comment:

  1. I have been feeling the same way as you, Sydney, and I agree it´s difficult to stay positive right now! One thing I always do is listen to music, and remember to focus on the ones I love and what I can do for them, instead of focusing on me.
