Sunday, March 8, 2020

Ryan 10: FBLA

With FBLA right around the corner on April 2, I'm excited to go on the fun trip and compete with other qualifiers. FBLA stands for future business leaders of America because the organization is involved with various business topics. My group qualified last year, we didn't place in states, but that is okay because we qualified this year too.

To qualify for states you have to place top five out of other groups and schools. Each group or individual has to choose a business topic and then choose to do a presentation or a test on it. My friends and I decided to do a group test because it would be easiest. We were right, and we qualified for states, but there is a catch. We placed sixth last year which doesn't qualify, but another group above us dropped out so we were invited to go. The funny part is that the same exact scenario happened again this year. We placed sixth again this year and another group dropped out. The two topics we chose were marketing last year and global business this year.

The competition is in Hershey, Pennsylvania. Most schools dorm in the Hershey lodge which is nice. Unfortunately we didn't get into the Hershey lodge last year so i'm hoping we get in this year because many events are held there. Even if you don't find success in states and qualify for regionals it's still a good experience and fun time with friends. Hopefully we do better this year, so that we can be recognized. What clubs do you do? Does FBLA sound like something you would want to be apart of?


  1. Congratulations on placing. My team's qualified to go to Hershey too. I am so excited to get some time off work and school to hang out in Hershey and compete in states. My team did a performance event, so we need to start working on that if we want to even place at states. Good luck

  2. Congrats Mcgirr! Unfortunately being so busy around the time of FBLA signups with golf I missed the cutoff for signing up. I plan on joining next year!!

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