Thursday, March 12, 2020

Mackenna 11: Personality Types

In Junior Seminar, we used this website to determine our four-letter personality type. Although I was

hesitant to take it, I decided to give it a shot anyway. Personally, I don’t think I know myself very well, which made this test a little bit harder for me. However, I would say my results came out to be surprisingly accurate.

There are sixteen personality types total, which I won’t go into because there are so many! I will, however, discuss the four categories that the personality types are divided into. These categories are the analysts, diplomats, sentinels, and explorers.
  • Analysts are known to be very intellectual with a natural love for learning.
  • Diplomats tend to be more passionate and empathetic. 
  • Sentinels value organization and stability. 
  • Explorers are known for their crazy energy and their spontaneity. 
Everybody’s personality can fall into one of these four categories.

After taking two personality tests, I got the same type both times: INFP, or the mediator. To be honest, I had no idea what this code even meant until I read the information provided about it. I found it really interesting that this website could determine my personality so accurately just by answering a few questions. According to 16personalities, I have introverted, intuitive, feeling, and prospecting personality traits, hence the code INFP. I thought this was a very common personality to have, but it turns out to be the opposite! INFP’s make up only 4% of the population, which unfortunately makes me more likely to be misunderstood. The website also says some characteristics I have, which are being affectionate, creative, altruistic, and idealistic. Once again, I feel like this was pretty accurate. Additionally, the website lists all your strengths and weaknesses, ideal career paths, friendships, romantic relationships, and so much more!

I also had the rest of my family take the personality test and their results were also really accurate. My sister actually ended up with one of the rarest personality types with only 0.8% of the population! My brother, on the other hand, had some trouble getting the personality that fits him best. He took the test the first time and got a personality that didn’t fit him at all, so he took it again and it was much more accurate the second time. Therefore, I think it’s important to take it twice if you feel as though your personality doesn’t quite match. On the plus side, I think it’s really cool to see how my personality fits with the personalities of my family and friends.

Overall, I think this was a really fun experience and I enjoyed learning about different personalities. Although it’s not always 100% accurate, I would highly recommend trying it out to anyone who hasn’t seen this or experimented with it before. I think it’s so cool to learn more about yourself and the people around you.

What’s your personality type? Do you think it describes you accurately?

1 comment:

  1. My personality type is also very accurate. I get different answers depending on the website because of how half and half my personality is. However, whatever I get seems to fit me in that moment. I also think it’s interesting to learn more about yourself through these personality type tests.
