Thursday, March 5, 2020

Adria 10: In Case You Don't Live Forever...

Interesting song title, right? I thought so, too. This song just so happens to be my sister’s solo song in competition. She is a miraculously gorgeous dancer, and to see her bring this song to life literally brought tears to my eyes. But being that she chose this song in dedication to my grandfather (the strongest person anyone would ever meet), the lyrics strike me deeply. I would highly recommend taking a look at them simply to better understand my all-over-the-place thought process. 

One line that Ben Platt repeats right before every chorus is that “I’ve waited way too long to say everything you mean to me.” And I have realized over my progression of listening to this song all the way to applying it to myself that we tend to push feelings off. “I have to go, I can just tell him or her tomorrow” is one of the many excuses we make for not even uttering the words “I love you.” For some people, myself included, it is easier to show love through actions rather than words. And although this is effective and in some cases more sentimental, I believe that the words deserve a lot more credit than we sometimes give. Deep down we all know this, right? Imagine someone you love looking you in the eye and saying with confidence that they too love and appreciate you. No matter the love language, we simply do not say the words as much as we should. Because the last thing we want is for them to go another day without being reminded of how valued they are. 

In case you don’t live forever… well, that’s pretty open-ended. But no one wants to answer that question, right? Because to think about what we might say is to acknowledge that no one will live forever. In that case, tell that person that they’ve “put all your faith in my dreams” or that you “follow your steps with my feet.” We need to stop waiting and start by saying “in case you don’t live forever.” 
That being said, how would you fill in the blank? In case you don’t live forever _____________. And don’t just answer that question in your head; do whatever you need to do, but just don’t take too long to say it.

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely love this song! I have tried to live my life in the same mindset Ben Platt presents in this song. I always do my best to say what’s on my mind no matter how scary it can be.
