Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Emma 10: Snow tubing

Snow tubing was always something I would look forward to as a kid during the winter. The thrill was comparable to the feeling of riding roller coasters in the summer. The hills at snow tubing places seemed enormous to me at the time because of how small I was. I’ve always sought after activities that were thrilling and adventurous, so snow tubing was the perfect winter activity for me. Spending a lot of time with my family was also another fun aspect of snow tubing.
I hadn’t been snow tubing in a few years because it hasn’t exactly been a priority of mine, but I agreed to go with my family last week. Bear Creek Mountain Resort was holding an event to raise money for my cousin’s school, so they invited my family to go. We purchased the tickets about a month in advance to be prepared, yet my mom ended up hurting her leg a few nights before we were supposed to go anyways. My mom’s sister generously offered to take my little sister and I for the night for my mom.
The drive was about 40 minutes to and from the resort, which seemed a little unnecessary for the short amount of time that we stayed there. Once we arrived, we met my cousins and their mom at the main lodge. Although it was really nice to be able to see my cousins because I only see them about four times a year, I definitely think that snow tubing was much more fun for me as a kid. I didn’t really enjoy it this time around, but it was probably many other factors than just not having fun. I had a stomach ache all night, and I was stressed about finishing my homework because I knew I would be getting home pretty late. We also only ended up staying for about two hours.
I was disappointed that snow tubing didn’t live up to what I imagined it would be like. I would still like to go back on a day during the weekend to see if I would like it better. Have you ever expected something to be more fun than it actually was?

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