Thursday, March 5, 2020

Owen 10: Our world

I decided that for this blog post I was going to elaborate more on my opinion on our world. In my World History Honors class last week we studied the enlightenment, and talked about what we believe our life came from, where we belong, etc. and it had me thinking... this would make a great blogging topic.

I know there are many people that have different opinions based on our life origins, whether it be evolution, or through the will of God. In this blog post I'm about to write I am going to focus on my beliefs when it comes to life beyond ourselves. I'm sure there's been a point in your life where you have already debated our existence, or if aliens are real... but I can assure you they most definitely are. Technically an alien is just any other person not from your country or world. However, I'm going to refer to these people as "other life forms."

I find myself often getting into discussions about this topic with either teacher, friends, or fellow classmates. SO HERES MY TAKE...

I believe completely that there is another life form if not various life forms within our OWN milky way galaxy. Think about this for a second, you are one single body, sitting in a single chair, in a single room, in a single house, in a single neighborhood, within a single community, in a single town, in a single state, in a single country, on its own continent, within our entire planet. Now compare how infinitely small we are compared to the big scheme of things. There are 7 planets within our solar system, and outside of our solar system, we have no idea what lies beyond. There are an estimated 100 million galaxies in the universe, and within each galaxy, it's estimated to have 100 billion solar systems. That's a lot of planets and stars!

The way I see it is that there is no logical evidence, nor scientific evidence that proves otherwise that other life forms beyond the reach of our technology do not exist. Therefore, it's up to us to ponder these life questions and determine our own opinion about them.

Do you believe there is more life outside of our own world?

Image result for milky way galaxy


  1. I 100% agree with you. There is absolutely no way we are the only form of life in existence. There is still so much in space that we haven’t explored yet which is quite terrifying to be honest haha, but that supports the debate that much more. I always ponder that what happened on Earth could have easily happened in a different galaxy. There is no reason to believe that other forms of life on different planets or in different galaxies aren’t thinking the same thing. I’m positive they would be asking if there is life in other galaxies or planets as well.

  2. There is always the chance that there is no other life in the entire expanse of the universe, but in my opinion this is highly unlikely. Evolution is something that happens to better a species and, may I add, a planet. Thinking about how we evolved definitely leads to the chance that another small piece of bacteria on some other planet far far away also evolved to better itself. It's all in how something adapts to its environment to determine if it can survive, even on an alien planet. Though the chances that something can't evolve to survive a different climate than that of earth is super duper unlikely.

  3. I definitely agree with you that life exists beyond planet Earth. The universe is so large that there has to be other forms of life, even if it's not other complex beings like us. It makes me excited that future technology could allow us to find other living things within the universe. I hope that someday during my lifetime more discoveries will be made about other planets of different galaxies.
