Friday, March 6, 2020

Liam 10 - Theater Drama

Theater Drama

The word defy really sums up my experience with pit orchestra. From defying my mother by doing it, defying my better judgement and agreeing to play clarinet, and as a pit, always defying John’s (the director’s) expectations.

My mother told me I shouldn't do pit orchestra this year. I joined it anyway because I had a lot of fun with pit last year and wanted to do it again, and I have a hard time telling Mr. Hilborn that I can or will not do anything (why I now play 6 instruments in most of the band ensembles). Now that the rehearsal schedule is intensifying as we start to work with the cast, my Mom’s point is becoming more and more valid. Going further with making poor decisions, I agreed to play the soprano clarinet. Even though it was my first instrument, I have both figuratively and literally outgrown it; I moved on to the bass clarinet and tuba, and someone must have moved the keys closer together.

This all goes toward my biggest beef with pit - John Andreadis. Not only is he disliked by a lot of the cast, for some reason he doesn’t like the pit. He has gone as far as telling the cast that most of the pit orchestra was quitting because of the hard music. I could understand his loathing if the pit was bad, but we manage to do well with very hard music despite my ineptitude at clarinet. The only reason I have for his rumor spreading and general nastiness is that the pit is doing so well. Hopefully everything resolves this coming week when we move into the auditorium.

Have you ever defied your parents to your own detriment? Do you know anyone that has an irrational dislike for something?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. My parents did not want to do theatre this year due to all the long rehearsals, lack of sleep, and me doing my homework around 10:30 pm. They told me what they thought, but they wanted to let me make my own decision. Of course, I chose to do it, I don't imagine each high school year being completed without having great times with friends and being told "I don't deserve anything"...BUT mainly great times with friends:). I understand your frustrations with John, and I apologize for the things he has said about you guys! In all honesty, I think it was to just make cast want to work harder. I think cast would agree with me that the pit is extremely talented and I appreciate all your hard work.
