Thursday, March 5, 2020

Mackenna 10: Why I both love and hate Track and Field

Our spring track and field season started this week, and I couldn’t be more excited. However, I’m also quite devastated at the same time. To be honest, I really love track and field, but it’s incredibly tiring and really sucks the life out of me.

I love track and field because of the people. I’ve made some of the most amazing friends that will last a lifetime. We have a lot of fun together and we all enjoy the sport (for the most part). Some days I actually really like running, and it’s because of them. On the days I don’t like it, my friends still find a way to bring out the best in me. To me, that’s something special. 

On the other hand, I also really hate track and field. Like I said, running is one of the most exhausting and injury-prone sports I can possibly imagine. I’ve gotten a total of seven sprained ankles throughout the course of this school year, and all of them were caused by running. Personally, I don’t think I have the feet and legs to run, but I do it anyway. After all, I actually feel really good after a run. It gives me that sort of on-top-of-the-world feeling you could only get when doing something really challenging, and running happens to do that for me.

At the end of the day, I actually really love running, but it’s okay to not like it sometimes. This past week, I’ve learned that running is about highs in lows. We all have our good days, and sometimes we have bad ones. All of this is part of life and I feel like running has actually taught me a lot about myself that I never fully realized. Therefore, for anybody interested in trying out track and field, I highly recommend it. 

What are your thoughts on running? Do you love it, hate it, or both?


  1. I agree Mackenna, running is a hard but great sport to do. It is a great way to relieve stress and take a breath of fresh air. Even though it is most definitely hard at times and can cause a lot of injuries, there are so many people with you there to get through it. I am so excited for the Track and Field season to start, and I am even more excited to be part of a great family/team this year. Good Luck Mackenna!

  2. I personally don't like running, but I do think it's great for you! Ever since I joined Crossfit and had to include running with weightlifting, it became much harder to enjoy running. And now, even with the slightest jog, I twist my ankles! However, I believe that any exercise helps you physically and mentally. Like you, I love the feeling after a good workout. It definitely has a positive effect on the rest of my day.

  3. I personally do not like running. I almost never feel good afterwards, and I usually just want to stop the entire time. However, when I am running during a lacrosse/field hockey game, I don’t mind it at all. It’s like everything else fades away except for the thought of getting where I need to be. I personally think it’s because I’m not actually focused one the running, and more on what's happening in the game itself. Either way, I don’t think I could ever manage to do track.

  4. I totally understand! I have some stuff like this in my life too. For example, I love and hate dance at the same time-- just depends on the day! I just try to keep reminding myself that the good outweighs the bad :)
