Thursday, March 5, 2020

Liz 10: Something I’ve been working on since last April

So last spring I found out Mrs. Gerhard and Mr. Martell were going to be taking a group of students to Japan in June of 2020. I was interested in the trip from the start, but I knew trying to even bring it up to my parents was going to be a challenge. To be honest with you all, my parents pretty much laughed in my face when I brought it up. Even when I told them I could pay for it myself, they were super hesitant. Once I got a job at Diner 248, they finally let me sign up. I’ve worked an average of four shifts a week, only making eight dollars an hour, for the past 10 months. I was determined to make the money I needed for the trip (~ $4,200).

Honestly, this whole thing was never easy. My parents don’t have a lot of money, so I pay for a lot of things myself, like my phone (the phone itself, not the phone plan), my car insurance, all my stuff for prom, and ultimately a car for myself to name a few. So not only did I have to put at least $175 away per paycheck for the trip, I had all these other expenses to worry about. I had to make the decision to put this trip over getting a car, and because of that I’ve had my license since October and I still have to get rides whenever I go somewhere. It’s been really difficult trying to figure out what I need to prioritize spending/saving money on.

Well, the point is, earlier this week I paid almost three thousand dollars for the trip. I only have a little under nine hundred to go, half of which I have already. It’s something I’m really proud of, considering I did it all by myself. I actually was planning on having all the money by the end of February, but some unforeseen circumstances set me back a little bit. Regardless, it has been so rewarding seeing my hard work and dedication pay off, and at this point, all I’m worried about is the trip being canceled over coronavirus. On the bright side, if it is canceled, at least I’ll be able to buy a car then!

Image result for Japan

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